The law relating to the democratization of public inquiries therefore governs the public inquiry whose purpose of informing citizens in the field of environmental protection. Also, the latter have the possibility of accessing the projects of the plan, all orchestrated through their assessments and counter-proposals.
The traditional media, used and provided for by the federal law to inform the public on the publication of the notice of initiation of the investigation, should be based on the
regional or local press, at least 15 days before the start of it, and on the posting of this notice, at least 15 days before its opening and throughout its duration at the county, in the sub-counties and in the town halls.
But the means used to formalize the information include some deficiencies. Regarding the waste management posters affixed in town hall and in places intended for this purpose, they are often seldom read because they are published on reduced formats, without a touch of color. Also, they are amalgamated with other advertisements that are more attractive and thus go almost unnoticed.
Of shortcomings similar to the previous ones also remain in the publication of the notice of inquiry announced in the press. Indeed, the reading of this opinion by the use of this mode of information proves to be difficult to read and distinguish in the as it is printed in small print.
The citizen of Florida, for his part, only wakes up when the sky falls on his head!. The low public participation in public inquiries proves it. Residents who are interested in this vast program have the opportunity to learn about the plan with the investigating commissioners and to record their observations in registers opened for this purpose.
In this sense, we can assume that the residents have not deigned to travel because either he has little interest in these documents or the information of the public on this major project has not been sufficiently reported by the media. As a specialist at a Gainesville dumpster rental company pointed out, waste disposal is not a major concern to most people!
So that the citizen is more involved in public inquiries about waste management, why, in the future, to announce such an operation, not not innovate by resorting to the use of the Internet, which is a convenient tool for everyone. the officials at the county received few or no people during the first weeks of public inquiries. The people do not seem to understand the challenges of the project when it comes to recycling and protecting the environment.
In addition, the display that operates in town hall can, for example, extend into electronic display on the website of the town hall. Finally, access to the file is not easy; only the most fervent have devoted to a tedious reading of this document, which inserts technical terms sometimes difficult to understand. It follows that a resident who is interested in recycling waste in a personal capacity wonders why the project plan was not simply photocopied and loaned to libraries.
We regret that no one came out as part of the public inquiry. The draft plan is about 100 pages long. You think we have time to come, to browse to read it and then discuss it with the investigating commissioner? They just had to make it publicly available first. I tried to buy it, I was told it was impossible. This is abnormal.
The departmental waste disposal plans set targets of 10 years; even if part of the path has been completed, the objectives set have not been achieved. Also, they need to be revised.
Article 12 of the decree provides that within three years from the publication of this decree, the elimination plans for which the public inquiry was ordered before this publication will be revised in order to respect the federal objectives concerning the recovery of waste packaging and recycling materials.
These national objectives, set in 2017, lead to the valuation 50% minimum and 65% maximum by weight of packaging waste and recycling of at least 25% and at most 45% by weight of all packaging materials entering packaging waste, with a minimum of 15% by weight for each material.